81 Washington St #212

Salem, MA 01970 - Essex County

(855) 948-2439

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About Discount Witch:

Welcome to Discount Witch, your source for Magical Supplies. We make the tools of your craft available at every range of price and proficiency. Enjoy exploring our store. We are available to answer questions and offer advice. This is a community, not just a business. A COMMUNITY Connect with us! Any questions or suggestions? We’re on Facebook @discountwitch,you can use our contact page here, or email us at info@discountwitch.com. We love to see happy clients. Feel free to share moments our products helped make happen. Reviews and suggestions are always welcome. We want to build a community, not just a store. Blogs, Facebook groups, and information sources are all part of that process. Join in the ongoing discussions! For beginners, we are offering a blog series covering the basics of the craft; both the spiritual and practical aspects. Many view the craft as a religion. Others see it as a way of being, a path they are called to, and simply incorporate magical practices into their belief systems and everyday life. The choice is yours. We encourage you to learn and explore, taking your time to develop a practice that is right for you. QUALITY WITH A GUARANTEE Discount Witch provides quality products at practical prices. We continually update our resources to assist you in your occult needs. We curate unique items and products every month. Check in frequently to see what’s new! If you find a unique product that would supplement our inventory, let us know! We are confident you'll love our products. To give you confidence in your purchases, we offer 100% free shipping on most items within the continental U.S. and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Not happy with an item? Tell us. We'll issue a full refund. Happy shopping!

Categories: Wiccan Church and Animal & Marine Fats & Oils

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